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A photo taken of Bernie Herman after a traffic blitz in Prince Albert in Aug. 2020. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Investigation ongoing

RCMP officer charged with murder believed to have been wearing uniform at time of incident

May 17, 2021 | 5:58 PM

A veteran Prince Albert RCMP officer charged with first-degree murder is believed to have been wearing his uniform at the time of the incident.

The news came as police released more details about the death of Braden Herman. Police said it appears the 26-year-old was shot near Little Red River Park in Prince Albert.

Prince Albert Police Service Insp. Craig Mushka told reporters Bernie Herman wasn’t on duty at the time of the incident, but left work in full uniform with his duty belt on the day it occurred, May 11.

“The weapon used in this offence cannot be confirmed at this time,” Mushka said. “However, the Prince Albert Police Service has seized Mr. Herman’s service pistol and other use of force equipment as part of the criminal investigation.”

Mushka said on May 11, Bernie Herman phoned a co-worker and made “disturbing comments he had killed someone.” Herman then agreed to go to his co-worker’s house located just north of Prince Albert.

“Once at the residence, the RCMP were contacted as the house is in their jurisdiction,” Mushka said.

Herman was taken into custody without incident and provided information on where the police could locate the murder victim, Mushka said.

RCMP members attended the area and found Braden Herman deceased. At that time, the crime scene was determined to be within P.A. city limits and the Prince Albert Police Service was contacted and assumed responsibility of the investigation, Mushka continued.

The nature of the relationship between Bernie Herman and Braden Herman remains unclear, as is the motive for the crime.

Police said the two are not related, but they are associated to the same northern Saskatchewan community and it appears they had known each other for several years.

“Investigators continue to collect statements to gain insight not only on the nature of their relationship, but also on the possible motivation for the offence,” Mushka said.

Referencing comments from Braden Herman’s family indicating Bernie may have been “harass[ing]” Braden, Mushka was asked by reporters if there had been previous complaints made about Bernie by Braden or any other people.

“According to police records, we do have investigation that have involved both of them,” Mushka said. “But I think it’s a little early to say if there ware any investigations involving harassment.”

The full media release from police is available here.

With files from Teena Monteleone

On Twitter: @alisandstrom