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Saskatchewan RCMP launches Online Crime Reporting tool

Mar 19, 2021 | 1:44 PM

Everyone in Saskatchewan with a computer or a cellphone now can become a crimefighter.

The Saskatchewan RCMP on Friday unveiled its Online Crime Reporting tool, which will allow people with a valid email address and Internet connection to report certain crimes online using their computer or cellphone.

There are conditions, though.

The only crimes that can be reported online are: Damage/mischief to property under $5,000; theft of a bicycle under $5,000; theft under $5,000; theft from a vehicle under $5,000; lost or found property; and, damage/mischief to a vehicle under $5,000.

The incident also can’t have witnesses or suspects, items lost or stolen must cost less than $5,000, vandalized property will cost less than $5,000 to repair, and the crime can’t involve items dealing with personal identity, guns, licence plates or decals.

If any of those conditions apply, the local RCMP detachment must be contacted.

“Since February 8, 2021 we have been piloting Online Crime Reporting in the communities of Swift Current, Yorkton, Kindersley, Melfort, Humboldt and Spiritwood,” Supt. Maureen Wilkie, the assistant criminal operations officer for the Saskatchewan RCMP, said in a media release.

“We are excited to launch this new tool Saskatchewan-wide in RCMP jurisdiction to provide the public with a new way of reporting crime to our detachments. We need the public’s help to ensure all crime is reported.”