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(Facebook/Wakaw/Hoodoo Fire and Rescue)
Move over and slow down

Emergency vehicles to line Highway 41 for roadside safety rally near Wakaw

Mar 10, 2021 | 3:52 PM

There will be a large presence of emergency responders Thursday night at the intersection of Highway 41 and Highway 2, south of Wakaw.

Wakaw/Hoodoo Fire and Rescue has invited numerous other agencies to participate in a ‘move over and slow down’ rally from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Fire chief Ray Baumann said the intersection has seen numerous accidents that have resulted in serious injuries and fatalities, as well as many close calls for first responders.

“We just want to show the public that when you see emergency vehicles, slow down and move over,” Baumann said.

Any sort of flashing lights on highways should be an indication to motorists to be extra aware on highways, but according to Baumann that is not always the case.

“Numerous times on scene we see people that are not slowing down or are distracted driving because they seem to think they need to take a picture for some reason,” Baumann said.

Members from the fire departments in Cudworth, Prud’homme, St. Louis will also be participating along with Wakaw EMS, RCMP, and tow truck operators from Cudworth and Rosthern.

(Facebook/Wakaw/Hoodoo Fire and Rescue)

The rally was planned for last year but was canceled due to a snow storm.

Efforts have been made to increase safety at the intersection of Highway 41 and 2 over the last few years including slowing down to 80 km/hr, photo radar, stop signs and rumble strips.

“There has been a lot added to make people aware that the intersection is there and I can’t think anything that could be done to change it,” Baumann said.

With those efforts being made, the number of collisions in that area have decreased.

The rally is being held at that particular intersection, but its aim is to raise awareness of emergency vehicles on highways in general.

“The people on scene, whether it’s an accident or construction scene, feel that they are in a safe zone and are hoping that everyone respects that,” he said.

On Twitter:@Angie_Rolheiser