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(ID 47548126 © Dmitry Chulov |
Lynx sighting

Ministry of Environment: warm weather means wandering wild animals

Mar 9, 2021 | 11:00 AM

The Ministry of Environment is providing some tips on what to do if wild animals are spotted in an urban area.

Some lynx sightings around Nipawin have been reported to the Conservation Officer Service over the past couple of weeks, prompting the reminders.

Sgt. Ryan Reimer said with the nearby forest and rivers it is not unusual to see lynx in northern parts of the province.

“Every year, the new and younger animals do travel and try to find new locations and territory,” Reimer said. “They are definitely on the move this time of year.”

The ministry has not confirmed any of the reported sightings yet but Reimer said if a lynx is spotted it is important to remember to keep your distance, make noise, and back out away from the wild animal and it should retreat.

“Definitely don’t run, animals such as a lynx have a tendency to chase things, so just keep calm,” Reimer said.

If there are any signs of aggression or if the animal seems sick in any way, it should be reported to the ministry through the TIP Line at 1800-667-7561.

“We are monitoring the situation for sighting and movements but to date we have not had any close encounters that we are aware of,” Reimer said.

As the weather does get warmer and more people are out and about, Reimer is confident the animal will move out of the area on its own.

“Lynx are not generally comfortable in urban populations,” he said.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser