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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
COVID cases

Saskatchewan COVID-19 cases exceed 28,000 overall as 211 new cases reported

Feb 25, 2021 | 2:41 PM

Total COVID-19 cases across the province are now over 28,000 with 26,318 recoveries and 1,493 cases considered active. The province is also reporting 211 new cases and one death.

The death was reported in the 80+ age group from the North West zone.

The new cases in northern Saskatchewan are located in the Far North West (24), Far North Central (six), Far North East (three), North West (16), North Central (five), North East (three), and seven cases have pending residence information. Seven cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far North East (two), North Central (three) and Regina (two) zones.

(Government of Saskatchewan)

One hundred and fifty-six (156) people are in hospital. One hundred and thirty-eight (138) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (five), Far North Central (one), Far North East (two), North West (11), North Central (13), North East (one), Saskatoon (52), Central West (one), Central East (seven), Regina (38), South Central (three) and South East (four). Eighteen (18) people are in intensive care: North West (two), North Central (one), Saskatoon (nine), and Regina (six).

(Government of Saskatchewan)

There were 3,104 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on Feb. 24.

To date, 568,314 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of Feb. 23, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 476,923 tests performed per million population. The national rate was 630,137 tests performed per million population.

COVID-19 map. (Submitted photo/Government of Saskatchewan)

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 155 (12.7 new cases per 100,000). A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website. Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website. Please visit


As of Feb. 24, there are 172 active cases of COVID-19 in NITHA communities.

These cases are located in the Far North Central, Athabasca (42), Far North West (22), Far North East (95), North Central (three), and North East (10). There are 2,840 cases (94 per cent) recovered, and six people are currently in hospital.

The latest NITHA numbers. (NITHA/Facebook)

Vaccine Delivery

There were 2,057 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 65,436.

The 2,057 doses were administered in the Far North Central (30), North West (six), North East (10), Saskatoon (351), Central East (13), Regina (1,197), South Central (134) and South East (316) zones. On Feb. 23, an additional 16 doses were administered in the Far North West zone and an additional 18 doses were administered in the Central East zone.

(Government of Saskatchewan)

As of yesterday, 85 per cent of long-term care residents have received their first dose and 49 per cent have received both their first and second doses and are now fully vaccinated.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored. The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential travel. International travellers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures. If you choose to travel inter-provincially, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you. While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19. Find testing options near you at

Enforcing Public Health Measures

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994. Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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