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Public Speaking Competitions

4-H Public Speaking To Resume

Feb 25, 2021 | 9:49 AM

We have some exciting news to share with our membership!

There are now NEW guidelines, which were provided to 4-H Saskatchewan from the Government around public speaking.

As of February 22, in-person public speaking competitions are allowed at the club and district levels.

There are a lot of important rules to be followed at the in-person public speaking events. This includes a limit of 30 people, wearing masks, no food or beverage and increased sanitization.

Please read the full list of rules at

Even though in-person public speaking competitions are allowed, if your club or district is not comfortable hosting an in-person event, virtual options are still available. It is up to your club or district to decide how you would like to proceed.

At this time, the Regional and Provincial competitions will remain live, virtual competitions.

If you have any questions about these new guidelines or how to safety host an in-person public speaking event, please contact your regional 4-H specialist.