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Courtesy of Tia Furstenberg, Mann Art Gallery Registrar
Art Awards

Award winners announced for Winter Festival Art Show

Feb 13, 2021 | 9:53 AM

On Friday night, the awards for the 45th annual Winter Festival Art Show & Sale were announced. Out of the 95 works of art received and displayed at the Mann Art Gallery, here are all the artists that received awards this year.

Art Placement Award for Accomplishments in the Medium of Acrylic, $50 gift certificate, Joanne Bolen, The Lost Spirit of Peace

Art Placement Award for Accomplishments in the Medium of Oil Paint, $50 gift certificate, Carol Wylie, Odalisque II

Art Placement Award for Accomplishments in the Medium of Watercolour, $50, gift certificate, Uihyang Kim, After Summer Rain

Art Placement Award for Accomplishments in the Discipline of Drawing, $50 gift certificate, Ruby Lalonde, Anatomy of a Prize Bull

Prince Albert Spinners and Weavers Guild Fibre Award, $100, Sheila Devine, Blue on Point

KYLA Art Group Award for Landscape, $125, Donna Stockdale, Boreal Diversity

Geoff Payton Memorial Photography Award, $125, Ron Cooley, Livin’ Thing

Creative Stitchers Award, $100 + one-year membership in guild, Maygan Raduenz Davidson, All Dogs Go to Heaven

Lorraine Mathiason Memorial Pottery Award, $125, Jeff Stewart, Covered Jar

Hue’s Art Supply Store Award for Excellent Use of Hue, $150, Kathryn Gorectke, Prairie Vista

Frank Sudol Memorial Award, $100 + piece by a member of the guild, Chris Dansereau, Hearts Balance

GP Carlson Gallery Sculpture Award, $150 gift certificate Paula Cooley, Fantastical #2

Dana Wareing Popescul Memorial Award for Mixed Media, $100, Mary Romanchuk, The Curious Moose

Peggy & Sandy Kerr Memorial Award (Any Medium), $100, Michel Boutin, Three Sticks Stolen

John & Marjorie Hicks Memorial Award (Any Medium), $100, Earl McKay, Achak Maihken (Spirit Wolves)

Third Place Prize, $150, Sharron Schoenfeld, A Gentle Bow

Second Place Prize, $175, Patti Cannon-Levesque, Winter Dreams of Summer Dreams of Winter

Best in Show / Mayor’s Prize, $200 + Mel Bolen piece, Reanne Settee, Curious Camaraderie