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Staff. Sgt. Shawn Stubbs. (Prince Albert Police Service)

Prince Albert police officer named new coordinator of provincial Internet Child Exploitation unit (ICE)

Jan 22, 2021 | 2:25 PM

The person in charge of Saskatchewan’s Internet Child Exploitation unit (ICE), will be based out of Prince Albert.

Staff Sgt. Shawn Stubbs has been appointed the new provincial coordinator, for a term of three years, following 22 years of service as an officer with the Prince Albert Police Service.

In a statement provided to the media Friday, Stubbs said he is excited to take on the new position and is eager to learn more about the work being done to help young children get to safety and begin to heal from the trauma caused by sexual exploitation.

“The work that investigators and technicians do with the ICE Unit involves very sensitive and intimate information and I appreciate their efforts and their commitment to protecting children,” he said. “Unfortunately, the ICE Unit has seen an increase in the number of Internet-based crimes against children over the past year, and members are working hard to do more to help children and hold offenders accountable.”

The Saskatchewan ICE Unit specializes in investigations involving child pornography, child exploitation, and luring over the Internet. Funding is providing by the Government of Saskatchewan through the Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety.

In 2020, the ICE Unit conducted 737 investigations across the province, compared to 528 in 2019, and 321 in 2018. Of those files, 358 originated out of the Regina area, 263 out of Saskatoon, 108 from Prince Albert, and eight from Moose Jaw. Police laid a total of 115 charges against 39 people in 2020.

Stubbs started his new role at the beginning of January and will oversee eight police investigators, two forensic technicians, and an administrative assistant with the ICE Unit. He takes over the position from Staff Sgt. Scott Lambie with the Saskatchewan RCMP.

The provincial coordinator position is based at the police substation in downtown Prince Albert, along with two additional local investigators (one Prince Albert Police, one RCMP). The unit also includes four Saskatoon-based investigators, four Regina-based investigators, and one Regina-based administrative assistant.

Prince Albert Police Inspector Craig Mushka said the ICE Unit is a vital resource in efforts to combat Internet-based crimes against children, which can sometimes involve more than one victim across multiple jurisdictions.

“ICE investigations are essential to public safety, especially considering the sensitive nature of these crimes and the victims being our most vulnerable members of the community – our children,” Insp. Mushka said. “This appointment is an excellent opportunity for Staff Sgt. Stubbs to gain exposure and experience leading a provincial team and PAPS is excited and proud to have one of our members represent and lead an essential investigational unit.”

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