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COVID cases at Riverside Public School

Jan 22, 2021 | 10:03 AM

The Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division (SRPSD) is confirming an individual(s) have tested positive for COVID at Riverside Public School.

In a media release Friday, the SRPSD said two classrooms at the school were impacted and there is no evidence of transmission in school.

Affected students & staff will be isolating until end of Feb.1, while the rest of the school remains learning in-person.

As is the regular protocol when these notifications are made, the school division said communication is being shared with the classrooms/cohorts, the connected staff, as well as with the school community.

The learning program will continue remotely only for those students and staff affected while in-person learning will continue for the rest of the school. Privacy concerns prevent sharing of further details of the case. Schools remain safe places to learn.

Both the Local Medical Health Officer and the provincial Chief Medical Health officer continue to indicate that because of the protocols in place, schools are safe and are not significant source of transmission.

On Twitter:@princealbertnow

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