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(Parks Canada/ Batoche National Historic Site)

Future management plans for Batoche National Site

Dec 21, 2020 | 10:13 AM

Parks Canada and Métis Nation Saskatchewan (MNS) have agreed to explore and discuss future management of Batoche National Historic Site.

In a media release Friday, the two parties agreed to talk as part of the Framework Agreement for Advancing Reconciliation.

Parks Canada said it is “committed to a system of national heritage places that recognizes and honours the contemporary contributions of Indigenous peoples, their histories and cultures, as well as the special relationships Indigenous peoples have with ancestral lands and waters.”

Ron Hallman, President and Chief Executive Officer for Parks Canada and Glen McCallum, President of Métis Nation – Saskatchewan, signed Terms of Reference during a virtual signing ceremony, agreeing to explore and discuss a full range of options related to the future management of Batoche National Historic Site.

These discussions will take place as a sub-table to the regular meetings held between the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan and the Government of Canada under the Framework Agreement for Advancing Reconciliation. The two parties signed the Framework Agreement on July 20, 2018, through the Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination process.

Batoche National Historic Site holds great cultural and historical significance for the citizens of Métis Nation – Saskatchewan. Parks Canada and Métis Nation – Saskatchewan have long collaborated with regard to Batoche National Historic Site, beginning with the signing of the Batoche National Historic Site Management Agreement in 1998.

Parks Canada collaborates with Indigenous groups across Canada as partners in conserving natural and cultural heritage and by sharing the stories of these treasured places.

Further details on the announcement as well as a video can be seen here.

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