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Alana Ross speaks at the fall session of the Saskatchewan Legislature (Legislative Assembly Saskatchewan) 
in the Legislature

MLA Ross speaks health care, vaccine

Dec 13, 2020 | 8:00 AM

Alana Ross, the new MLA for Prince Albert Northcote, has used some of her first opportunities to speak in the government chambers to bring up health care.

Ross spent a career as a nurse and in health care management and during the brief fall sitting of the legislature, she has already made statements on the new neonatal unit coming to the P.A. Hospital and acknowledged World Aids Day.

And speaking to paNOW about this week’s rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination plan, she said she hopes it will bring hope for people.

“When we remember back to H1N1, Saskatchewan did an excellent job of rolling out that vaccine, and we were very successful in our battle with H1N1,” she said. “I would expect we will be [successful] moving forward with this vaccine as well.”

Before the current pandemic, the H1N1 vaccination program in 2009/2010 was the biggest ever launched in Canada.

But Ross stressed the public needs to remember to keep being diligent regarding social distancing and adhering to the COVID health protocols outlined by the province’s chief medical health officer.

Ross is one of seven MLAs who is sitting on the Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Human Services, which considers matters relating to health as well as social services, education, and labour.

She stressed she would ensure she is an advocate for everyone in Prince Albert in all areas, not just health care, but the planned $300 million expansion to the Victoria Hospital would be one of her focus areas.

“Absolutely, I think we have budgeted $15.5 million going forward for procurement and the planning process for the hospital,” she said. “Yes, I see that as very positive and needed for Prince Albert and area and the north. I will continue to advocate as best I can for the people of Prince Albert in order to see that this project is moving forward.”

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