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Pictures of Prince Albert's twinkling hotspots are being posted on the Power99 website and a map will be created showing where they are. (City of P.A.) 
Christmas cheer

Twinkle Tour map and photo contest for Prince Albert

Dec 6, 2020 | 8:00 AM

While it’s important for the public to do their part in combatting the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, there’s nothing stopping anyone from getting in their vehicle to soak up some much-needed festive sparkle across Prince Albert.

The Twinkle Tour is back, thanks to a partnership between various players in the city, and it’s all about ensuring the public can learn where all those twinkling hotspots are located.

“This year more than ever, I think people are looking for things to do, and to do safely,” communications manager with the City of Prince Albert Kiley Bear told paNOW. “If you can jump in your car, get a map and just take a drive around and see what beautiful homes are lit up, that’s something you can do in your


The City of Prince Albert is joining Power99FM, Mother’s Against Drinking and Driving and the Community Alcohol Strategy Steering committee to sponsor the Twinkle Tour, a holiday decorating contest for Prince Albert’s beautifully decorated homes for Christmas.

From now until Dec.18, residents can submit a picture of their outdoor Christmas display and Power99 will add it to their online gallery. On Dec.21, they will post a map so everyone can plan their own personal Twinkle Tour of Prince Albert.

One of the entries will win a $500 pre-paid Visa Gift Card and a second will win a $300 Canadian Tire gift card.

“We’re really excited to play a part in adding some sparkle and fun for everyone in the community, especially during these challenging times, and of course that’s what we do all the time on Power 99,” program director with the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group in Prince Albert, Danny Kid said. “I’d invite everyone who has decorated the outside of their house, apartment, condo, yard…whatever, to take a picture and submit it as an entry. Good luck, and thanks for the twinkles”

At the end of the contest, there will be random draw of all the entries for a prize.

For more information including the entry form, online gallery and map, click here.

Editor’s note: Power99 and paNOW are part of the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group.

On Twitter:@princealbertnow

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