Prince Albert looks to reduce corrosion, lead leaching in water supply
The City of Prince Albert is taking steps to lower the amount of lead flowing through taps in homes with older pipes.
“The water the city treats and sends out to your home is safe to drink,” water treatment plant manager, Andy Busse told Monday night’s council executive meeting. “However there are some plumbing and service connection types that may introduce lead into your water supply.”
Up until the 1950s, lead was a common material used in household plumbing. Approximately 520 properties in Prince Albert still have lead service connections leading from the water main to the residence.
In anticipation of Health Canada lowering the maximum acceptable concentration for lead in drinking water from 0.010 mg/L to 0.005 mg/L, the City of Prince Albert undertook a study of the amount of the lead leaching into drinking water through corrosion. On Monday night Busse presented the findings of the study to council.