Province records two deaths, 238 new COVID cases, 132 people in hospital
The province is reporting another two deaths related to COVID-19 in what is the deadliest week of the pandemic in Saskatchewan’s history.
The residents who died after tested positive for the virus resided in the North and Regina zones. The individual from the North zone was in their 80s while the individual from the Regina zone was in the 60-79 age category. There have been 14 deaths to COVID-19 since last Wednesday, and 51 in total.
There are 238 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on Wednesday, bringing the provincial total to date to 8,982 cases.
The new cases are located in the Far North West (six), Far North Central (three), Far North East (16), North West (17), North Central (25), North East (three), Saskatoon (109), Central East (four), Regina (36), South West (eight), South Central (one) and South East (three) zones and seven new cases have pending residence information.