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Terra Lennox-Zepp (Ward 2) and Charlene Miller (Ward 1) hold onto their seats at city council after election. (file photo/paNOW Staff)
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Ward 1 and 2 re-elect city council members

Nov 10, 2020 | 12:55 PM

Charlene Miller will serve for a fourth straight term as she held onto her seat at city council for Ward 1.

Miller was challenged for the seat by Daniel Brown. She was re-elected by a vote of 317 to 188.

“I would like to thank the residents of Ward 1 for coming out to vote during this election,” Miller said. “Thanks for having the confidence in me representing you at the council table for the fourth term. I will continue to work hard for the residents, being accessible and accountable to everyone.”

Miller said one of the upcoming challenges council will have to face is the violence, crime, and gang activity happening in the city. She also added finding solutions for homelessness will be a top priority.

She also explained one of her goals for this term will be to continue improving infrastructure around the city.

“In the last term we gave extra money for playgrounds for the children, and I would like to continue doing that,” Miller said. “Also, the improvement of the streets by re-paving.”

There will be a few new faces at the city council table this term. Miller told paNOW she is looking forward to working with the new members.

“I look forward to working with the new council, and moving forwards working together,” Miller said.

In Ward 2, Terra Lennox-Zepp also held onto her seat on council. This will be her second term.

Lennox-Zepp won with 358 votes. She had a lot of work to do this campaign, as Ward 2 had the most challengers for the seat.

“I am honoured to have been elected and represent Ward 2 once again,” Lennox-Zepp said. “I certainly was running in a race with three other very strong candidates.”

Challenger Dana Dirks received the second highest number of votes in the ward with 212, Devin Gorder finished third with 186, and Kim Connaroe received 98 votes.

Lennox-Zepp said one of her goals this term will be to keep her community aware of the decision-making process in council.

“A major goal I have is to provide awareness to the community of what decisions are made at council, so they can have their voices heard in a more proactive way,” Lennox-Zepp explained.

Lennox-Zepp added debt recovery will be a major challenge council will have to work on right away.

“It is something we’re going to have to take very seriously as we’re looking at debt that has been accrued, and how we can recover from that debt,” she said.

She also mentioned being a voice for the people in her community and asking the tough questions in the public’s interest at the council table will be one of her goals this term.

To learn more about the final election results, and the changes that have been made to council click here.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8

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