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P.A.'s Election Day continues despite tough driving conditions.(Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)
civic election

P.A. civic election continues as mayoral contenders weigh in

Nov 9, 2020 | 4:18 PM

As frustrated Prince Albert mayoral contenders reflect on today’s very challenging Election Day conditions, the city’s election officials are stressing the democratic process will continue throughout today and this evening.

paVOTES continues

“It’s been a challenging morning, but we will not be postponing,” returning officer Sherry Person said in a media release issued early afternoon after offering similar comments to paNOW earlier in the day. “If you plan to vote this election, election workers are there to count your ballot.

“There are months of preparations that go into an election including hiring and training hundreds of workers,” added Person. “Polls are open until 8 p.m. and there are clear skies. We expect conditions to only improve as the day goes on.”

Following the unprecedented storm over the weekend, driving conditions are difficult and residential streets are inundated with snow as road crews work to clear priority and arterial routes first.

Voters caught in between

Lyle Karasiuk with Parkland Ambulance Care explained it is a very challenging situation that motorists and voters are facing.

“We’re caught in between ‘get out and do your civic duty and vote’ but how can you do [that] if you can’t get around?” he said.

City crews have been plowing priority routes and the weather conditions are improving but residential streets are inundated with snow.(Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)

“If you get stuck and you abandon your vehicle in the middle [of the street] you’re making it hard for everybody else who’s trying to get out and especially for emergency crews.”

Karasiuk recommended people who need to get out and vote should carpool, as his colleagues have done to get to work today.

Dionne blames province

Meanwhile, incumbent mayor Greg Dionne said while it’s important people stay safe on the roads he blamed the province for the predicament the electorate is in.

“We have 365 days to have an election and they pick Nov.9. It could have all been avoided. For a year I campaigned against Nov.9. If we delay it one or two days, we could have another storm. Just saying we could postpone it, it’s not as simple as that. Where do we find the staff and the money?” Dionne said.

Nowoselsky blames SUMA

Dennis Nowoselsky blames the situation on some of the delegates at the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA).

“Hopefully in the future the majority of the SUMA board will listen and accept the recommendation this city made to have the municipal election in May. When the provincial election was called we were bumped from October to November, everyone knows what the weather is like. It hurts democracy,” Nowoselsky said.

Morrow says hundreds can’t vote

Josh Morrow meanwhile said it was deeply frustrating because he was aware of countless people who may not be able to get to the polls and vote.

“It’s extremely important to vote …but at the end of the day people have to be safe and get home to their loved ones. We received hundreds of messages from people this morning who just cannot get out of their driveways, or their cars are not equipped to go through this amount of snow. It’s heartbreaking,” he said.

Hickie asks public to consider sacrifices

Darryl Hickie makes up the list of four mayoral contenders and reflected on the Remembrance Day week when asked what he made of the situation.

“I think about all the women and men who gave their lives so we could have a democratic process and the hardships they faced. I understand it’s not the best conditions …but we really should exercise the right to vote given all the lives lost.”

The mayoral contenders noted car pooling and drives to the polls were being offered by various candidates, which is not against the rules as long as they are not soliciting anyone’s vote.

The polls stay open until 8 p.m.

paNOW and 900 CKBI will offer live coverage and updates tonight, starting with a special live blog from 7:30 p.m.

On Twitter:@princealbertnow

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