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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
Clear road to Vote

City of Prince Albert prepared to clear snowy roads by election on Monday

Nov 6, 2020 | 5:30 PM

Saskatchewan’s first big snow fall is coming this weekend, right in time for civic elections across the province.

For those who may be concerned about the state of the roads getting to and from polling stations on Monday, roads manager for Prince Albert, Brent Kennedy says they are already prepared for the worst.

“We’re ready. We’ve got all our equipment geared up to go, we’ll see what the weather brings, and we’ll go from there,” Kennedy told paNOW.

Kennedy added the weekend snowstorm will not affect their ability to get contracts and work the weekend.

“It won’t affect us whatsoever. We have duty forms to call people in for that time,” Kennedy explained. “We just have to make sure our guys are ready to go. They’re going to be on call.”

On Saturday, northern areas of the province can expect 10 to 15 cm of snow, along with a risk of freezing rain.

Heavy snowfall is expected to spread northeastward on Sunday accompanied by northerly gusting winds to 70 km/h or beyond. Blizzard conditions are possible and may continue into Sunday night.

The City of Prince Albert will be working to make sure roads, sidewalks, and parking lots around election stations are as clear as possible by Monday.

“Our focus on Monday will be to make sure people can get in and out safely,” Kennedy said. “We’ll look at the situation and whatever we need to do to provide the service, we will. If it requires more forces, then we’ll deal with it at the time.”

To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #SKStorm.

Click here more information on the Prince Albert municipal election.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8

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