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Eleven candidates are running for school board trustee positions. (File photo/paNOW Staff)

More nominees for the Sask Rivers Public School Board

Oct 17, 2020 | 12:00 PM

A final list of nominees for the school board of the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division has been released. paNOW reported on six candidates earlier this week. This article covers the remaining five nominees.

Grant Gustafson has been serving as a trustee for the school board for the past 24 years and will be seeking re-election for a seventh straight term.

Grant Gustafson has served on the school board for 24 years. (Submitted photo/Grant Gustaffson)

“I am still passionate and enthusiastic about being a trustee,” Gustafson said. “I have been around for
a while and I think I’m in a good position to sort through the volumes of information we have to process right now.”

Gustafson wants to continue working on what is already being done by the board, including following through with recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. These recommendations are beneficial to the learning of not only Aboriginal students, but non-First Nation students as well, Gustafson added.

Brent Zbaraschuk is running for a second time but seeking his first seat as a trustee. (City of Prince Albert)

Running for a second time as a nominee is Brent Zbaraschuk. He is currently the chair of the Prince Albert Public Library.

“I was always raised that one should be involved in their communities,” Zbaraschuk said. “Not to sit back and watch but to be in the forefront to try and help ensure things are running properly and try to make a better community.”

Zbaraschuk will focus on strategic planning to make sure teachers always have the resources they need to run a successful classroom. “I think sometimes the school division has to put more resources into students at a younger age. If we can put investment into students at an earlier age then we do not have to put in as much into young adults going down a different path,” Zbaraschuk added.

Michelle Vickers is looking to be elected to the school board for a second term. (Submitted photo/Michelle Vickers)

Another candidate looking to hold their seat at the table is Michelle Vickers. Vickers has served on the school board for the past four years.

“I believe in public education and the opportunity it gives to our students,” Vickers said. “I also believe it takes a variety of views and backgrounds to have a well-rounded board, and I know I have a unique perspective and voice I bring to the table because of my academic career and profession as an optometrist.”

Vickers would like the board to continue focusing on student achievement and well-being and remain fiscally accountable. She believes these areas are important to focus on throughout the pandemic while planning for the future.

Brian Umpherville is running for school board trustee for the first time. (City of Prince Albert)

Brian Umpherville is a nominee who is running for a trustee position for the first time. Umpherville has previous board experience as he was the IMFC [Indigenous Metis Friendship Centre] Provincial and National Youth Board Rep.

“I feel like there could be a change in the school board. It would be nice to have a new voice and new input there,” Umpherville said.

If elected, Umpherville wants to focus on implementing more sports activities at schools to help keep kids busy, and away from gang-related activity. Umpherville believes this can help with students with addictions, and added parents can only do so much, and schools can do more to help pick up some slack.

Barry Hollick has served as the chair of the board since 2011. (Submitted photo/Barry Hollick)

Barry Hollick will also be seeking re-election. He has served as the Board Chair since 2011.

“We’re facing a pandemic now, and if there was ever a time we need experience on the board, it is to get us through what lies ahead,” Hollick said. “Since March I have been involved in weekly meetings with all the other board chairs in the province and we get updates about the provincial health status, what the schools are doing, what will happen with extracurricular activities and precautions other schools are taking.”

Hollick added there is a high population of students in P.A. who do not have the resources to do online learning. He said the vulnerability of these students in the school division is something they have already brought up with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, to get more funding and help fix the situation.

The election is being held on Nov. 9. There are eleven candidates running for five seats.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8

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