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Nine candidates are running for school board trustee positions. (File photo/paNOW Staff)
Catholic School Board Nominees

Candidates put their names in for Catholic school board trustee positions

Oct 14, 2020 | 3:12 PM

The Prince Albert Roman Catholic Separate School Division has finalized their list of candidates for school board trustee positions. There are nine candidates running for six seats.

This article highlights five candidates. We will run another article on the other four candidates in the days to come.

Current chair of the board, Suzanne Stubbs will be running once more. She has been a school board trustee for 11 years. If re-elected Stubbs will continue to advocate for catholic education.

Suzanne Stubbs is the current chair of the school board. (Submitted photo/Suzanne Stubbs)

“The challenge is funding. As a board we advocate for our students and teachers. We can always use more funding,” Stubbs told paNOW.

Vice-Chairman of the board, Albert Provost has been a member of the Catholic School Board for 21 years and will continue to run. Previously, Provost was a principal for 22 years.

Albert Provost is the current Vice-Chairman of the Catholic School Division. (Submitted photo/Albert Provost)

When asked about what obstacles the school division is currently facing, Provost mentioned difficulties created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Provost was a part of starting the Catholic Education Foundation which fundraises for different upgrades to schools such as theatres, chapels, and running tracks.

“We started this foundation, and had a five-year pledge from the catholic community, we raised over $600,000 and were able to put all those things into the school,” Provost said.

A first-time candidate is Darryl Sande. Sande has previously served for 17 years on a credit union board and is well versed in corporate governance.

Darryl Sande is running for a position as a school board trustee for the first time. (Submitted photo/Darryl Sande)

“My objective is to learn what challenges the school system is undergoing right now and try to come up with some ideas to help alleviate those, to ensure our students are receiving the best possible education they can with the financial resources that are available,” Sande said.

Another candidate running for the first-time is Marcia Coulic-Salahub. She is married to a teacher in the catholic school division and has kids who are a part of the school division as well.

Marcia Coulic-Salahub is looking for a position as a trustee for the first time. (Submitted photo/Marcia Coulic-Salahub)

“I want to continue keeping faith in the catholic school division, instead of it being a regular school division,” Coulic-Salahub said.

She explained another one of her goals is to help students grow within themselves and with their faith to help them become contributing members to society.

Chrissy Halliday is also running for the first time. Halliday is currently a member of the Prince Albert Council of Women, and the City of Prince Albert Planning Committee.

Chrissy Halliday is a first time candidate for a school board trustee position. (Submitted photo/Chrissy Halliday)

“I am running because I believe in faith-based education,” Halliday said. “I want to see the separate school system continue to grow.

“I know the school systems have received a lot of cuts across the province, but in Prince Albert is where I can make a difference. There’s always solutions to problems, sometimes you need to think outside the box.”

The election is being held on Nov. 9.

In the coming days paNOW will bring you more of the school trustee candidates in both the Roman Catholic Separate School Division and Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division.

For all things election – municipal and provincial – head to our special election section.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8

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