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2019 Terry Fox Award recipient Elayna Greenwood accepts her certificate. (submitted photo/Bruce Vance)
Terry Fox Award

Award for local hero now accepting nominations

Oct 5, 2020 | 5:00 PM

Nominations are being accepted for Prince Albert’s 2020 Terry Fox Award. Submissions will be accepted until December 19, 2020 with the award presented in early 2021.

Since 1981 the City of Prince Albert has awarded a young citizen under the age of 21, recognizing good citizenship, including exceptional service to school, social, athletic, civic, or church institutions. The award recognizes the memory of Terry Fox’s heroic achievement, while acknowledging a local recipient with similar ideals.

Marketing and sponsorship coordinator for the City of Prince Albert, Bruce Vance says nominees are those who have overcome a big challenge in life and use that to inspire others, and do good things in the city of P.A.

“The award is for someone who has some physical challenges, and has certainly gone through something in life,” Vance said.

He added one of the nice things about recognizing a young role model is helping them turn into a confident leader in the community.

“It’s very important for the city to recognize the young people, and a number of them have gone on to become pretty prominent within our community, and others,” Vance said. “They are people who have found success in life, after fighting for their lives as a younger person.”

Previous recipients of the award include Elayna Greenwood in 2019, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia when she was six. Donovan Fraser was the recipient in 2018, who coaches youth soccer and was diagnosed with leukemia in 2011. In 2015 it was given to Brittany Hudak who is now a Canadian Paralympic athlete and competed in the 2018 Sochi Paralympic Games.

2015 Terry Fox Award winner, Brittany Hudak speaks at the opening of the Canadian Tire JumpStart playground at the Alfred Jenkins Field House in 2019. (submitted photo/Brittany Hudak)

Elayna Greenwood says future recipients should be proud to be recognized.

“Last year I felt honoured, because it’s a very big award,” Greenwood told paNOW. “I would like to tell future winners to also feel that way because the award is really big, and the community will recognize them.”

After the recognition last year, Greenwood continued to dance up to seven times a week until COVID-19 hit. Since the pandemic she has only been able to dance a couple of times weekly. With dance, and school starting again this fall, things are returning to normal for the former winner.

To nominate a local hero for the 2020 Terry Fox Award submit your nomination at the City of P.A. website.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8