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Donation being made to the Prince Albert Big Brothers Big Sisters. (Lake Country Co-op)
Fuel Good Day Fundraiser

Fundraiser raises big money for communities in Northern Sask.

Oct 1, 2020 | 5:14 PM

Lake Country Co-op held a successful fundraiser on Sept. 15, ‘Fuel Good Day,’ in Prince Albert and other communities around the region.

Fuel Good Day raised a total of $15,166 which was split between five separate charities in the surrounding communities, including $8,291.94 to Big Brothers Big Sisters in P.A.

Jill Dumanski, marketing community relations at Lake Country Co-op said the donations were split based on how much fuel each community pumped at their local Co-op that day.

“We choose five communities, and they get the donation of how many litres those locations sell,” Dumanski said. “The more engaged the community is, the more the charity gets.”

The charities that get picked are ones that focus primarily on youth and keeping kids active.

“Anything to do with extracurricular activities is so important, to help them (kids) enjoy life and help them get their mind of what craziness is happening in the world right now,” Dumanski told paNOW.

Fuel Good Day also raised $2,500 for the La Ronge KidSport.

Donation being made to the La Ronge KidSport. (Lake Country Co-op)

The Kinsmen Club of Shellbrook raised $1,583.62.

Donation being made to the Kinsmen Club of Shellbrook. (Lake Country Co-op)

The Nipawin Handiworks raised $2,074.37.

Donation being made to Nipawin Handiworks. (Lake Country Co-op)

And $717.40 was raised for the Choiceland Torch River Riders.

Donation being made to the Choiceland Torch River Riders. (Lake Country Co-op)

For more information on Fuel Good Day head to Lake Country Co-op social media pages.

On Twitter: dawsonthompson8