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Agriculture Roundup for Tuesday September 22, 2020

Sep 22, 2020 | 10:27 AM

SASKATCHEWAN – Canada’s largest lentil customer is lowering tariff rates for the next six weeks.

It is similar to a reduction from India that lasted from June to the end of August.

The tariff will go from 33 per cent down to 11 per cent until Oct. 31. This is for all countries except the United States.

Pulse Canada said it is working with the federal government to get additional information.

Several producer information events have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture has announced it will go ahead with its annual Agronomy Research Update but it will follow an online format.

From Dec. 7 to 10 speakers will address a variety of topics from clubroot, sclerotinia, phosphorus and crop rotations.

Registration is now open.

The purebred beef show at Canadian Western Agribition (CWA) in Regina will be entirely online this fall.

CWA CEO Chris Lane said the virtual show will feature 11 breed shows. The supreme champion will be announced in late November. The entry deadline is Oct. 22.

He said more events are in the planning stages for third week in November.

On Twittrer: @AliceMcF