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Agriculture Roundup for Monday September 21, 2020

Sep 21, 2020 | 9:57 AM

Women entrepreneurs from across the country participated in a virtual roundtable discussion with Canada’s agriculture minister.

Marie-Claude Bibeau said the focus was on the opportunities and challenges that exist for women in the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Research shows barriers include work-life balance, skills training, networking and mentorship, access to information management, and financial barriers.

There are over 75,000 female farm operators which is 28 per cent of all farmers in Canada.

Migrant workers and advocates called for a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic during a digital rally on Saturday.

Migrant Workers Centre chair Chit Arma said the pandemic shows how heavily Canada relies on migrant and undocumented workers to perform essential jobs.

She added those same workers do not enjoy essential rights and have been placed in precarious situations through the temporary foreign worker program.

The campaign called on the federal government to create a new permanent residency program for all essential migrant and undocumented workers, and to allow the workers to apply for an open-work permit while waiting for their applications to process.

The B.C. government said it will launch three cannabis programs over the next two years to help small and Indigenous growers compete with larger rivals.

A farm-gate program would allow growers to sell their products at stores located at their production sites.

Another program would allow small Health Canada licensed cannabis producers to deliver cannabis directly to authorized retailers.

The government did not say how it will define small producers but said nurseries will be included in the policy.

Both programs are expected to launch in 2022.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF