Fewer than 10 per cent of students expected on P.A. Sask Poly campus
Not surprisingly, the COVID-19 pandemic will mean a much quieter start to the academic year at the Prince Albert campus of Saskatchewan Polytechnic in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the student body is still hoping to create a sense of community despite the obvious challenges.
Officials say only eight to 10 per cent of students are expected to be physically present for hands-on lab or clinic learning, but health protocols will be in place.
“We have some mandatory training for all staff and students, and every student will be provided with two cloth reusable face masks,” Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Dr. Has Malik, told paNOW. “Even though the campus is closed as a whole, we’re really excited to be able to offer a number of our programs back on our campus in a limited capacity and we can assure students we’re putting all the safety protocols in place.”
Programming across the usual array of courses starts on Monday including the likes of Practical Nursing, Industrial Mechanics, Hairstyling and Professional Cooking, although the Saskatchewan Polytechnic website noted the dates for an actual return to campus were labelled as ‘tentative’ in some cases.