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Christopher Merasty and Tristen Durocher began walking to Regina July 2. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Walking with our angels

Supporters join northerners as they walk into Regina

Jul 31, 2020 | 5:42 PM

Fiddler Tristen Durocher and Men of the North Founder Christopher Merasty reached Regina today, concluding a one-month walk from Air Ronge.

The 630-kilometre walk began July 2 to demonstrate against the what Durocher said is the province’s inaction on suicide prevention. He was inspired to conduct the walk and a subsequent hunger strike after NDP MLA Doyle Vermette’s proposed bill, the Saskatchewan Strategy for Suicide Prevent Act, was voted down last month. As the duo walked into Regina today, dozens of supporters joined in.

“I want them to see the crowd gathered and know that a lot of these people really do care about the demographics that are susceptible to suicide,” Durocher said.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili issued a statement welcoming Durocher to the Saskatchewan Legislature. In his message, he explained in Saskatchewan, approximately 144 people die by suicide each year. In northern Saskatchewan, suicide is the leading cause of death for people age 10 to 49 and Indigenous girls in this province are 26 times more likely to die by suicide than non-Indigenous girls.

Meili noted it is time to see action on mental health including dedicated mental health emergency rooms, a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy and accessible counselling options.

“Tristen and the rest of this group have come seeking answers and action,” Meili wrote. “That’s why I’m calling on the premier and the Sask. Party government to work with us to reconvene the legislature for an emergency session to pass meaningful legislation to reduce suicides in this province.”

Durocher previously told larongeNOW once he reaches the Saskatchewan Legislature, he will begin a hunger strike on the lawn outside the building. He mentioned his calorie intake will only consist of wild tea, cream and some honey to balance his blood sugar level.

With files from CKOM.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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