Naked 2021 Calendar Fundraiser
With Covid-19 shutting down all revenue streams for our local curling club and community centre, the Lakeland Curling Club in Christopher Lake decided that printing the 2020-21 Naked Calendar they had worked on designing, photographing and getting sponsors for needed to go ahead more than ever.
Work on the project had started last fall before anyone even had a whisper of what 2020 was about to hit us with!
12 local fellows from their 20s to their 70s volunteered (were nominated!) to be our models for our 20-21 calendar.
Tickets for the $5,000 cash prize (3 prizes of $2500, $1500 and $1000) cost $25 each and support the Lakeland Curling Club, which operates out of the Anderson Community Centre in Christopher Lake. The calendar is included in the ticket price!