Municipalities look to fogging to curb mosquito problem
Enjoying the outdoors has proven less comfortable this summer than most Saskatchewan residents would like, thanks to heavy rain and a swarm of mosquito bites. Now, some communities are looking to curb the latter.
Next week, the Town of Battleford will join areas like Shaunovan and Swift Current in fogging for mosquitoes. The large scale spray operation is scheduled for the evening of August 4. Mayor Ames Leslie said they’d heard enough from residents, frustrated with being unable to go outside without an excess of mosquitoes after the lockdown in the spring, to go forward with the decision.
“We have such a short summer, so it’s pleasant to be able to sit out or walk outside without fighting the mosquitoes, Leslie said.
Should weather conditions not be suitable, such as the wind picking up past two kilometres per hour, or the temperature being below 13 degrees, the town will reschedule. In order to maximize the remainder of the summer, Leslie said a two-prong approach is being taken by knocking out as many of the insects as possible right now, while being proactive in treating standing water moving forward.