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(Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
Capital projects

R.M. of Buckland receives $485K toward bridge replacement

Jul 22, 2020 | 2:00 PM

The latest list of approved projects under the province government’s Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP), includes a new bridge for the Rural Municipality (R.M.) of Buckland.

The R.M.’s share works out to $485,083, and represents roughly one third of the estimated total cost of the Buckland bridge replacement project. During an interview with paNOW last May, Reeve Don Fyrk discussed plans to replace the bridge next year, and when contacted again Wednesday, explained that while the funding is appreciated, it does not speed up their plans.

“We still want to have it done next year,” he said.

A bridge study in 2017 recommended replacement of the Buckland Bridge within five years. With about a million dollars left to raise, Fyrk explained the R.M. still has a number of other grant options.

“The federal government right now has an infrastructure grant,” he said.

A number of other R.M.s from around the region were also included in Wednesday’s MEEP announcement.

The R.M.of Spiritwood will receive over $175,000 for a new public works building. The Town of Asquith is getting over $91,000 to help with road improvements, and the Town of Duck Lake is getting over $80,000 for a drainage study and a roof replacement at the town hall.

The $150 million MEEP 2020 was announced in May and is a key component of the Government of Saskatchewan’s $7.5 billion, two-year capital plan to build a strong province and stimulate its economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The total amount of MEEP approved projects is now 497, representing a total investment so far of $38 million by the Government of Saskatchewan.

The deadline for municipalities to submit potential projects under the program has also been extended to July 31 from July 17.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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