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Prince Albert's Rachel and Ella Glines played a big part in raising funds for Make-a-Wish Saskatchewan during the 2019 Lemonade for Wishes campaign. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
Charity events

Freshly squeezed fundraiser goes virtual

Jul 18, 2020 | 1:00 PM

A charitable organization, which helps grant wishes to children in need, is literally turning lemons into lemonade this year, but will need lots of support to make that happen.

Despite the challenges brought on by COVID-19, the annual Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan (MAWS) Lemonade for Wishes fundraising campaign is moving ahead with a virtual event.

Current health protocols won’t allow for lemonade stands to be set up outside businesses, so instead participants have been encouraged to sell lemonade out of their own homes. MAWS Regional Director Allyson Toye explained there remains a real need to raise money.

“Currently in Saskatchewan we have 235 wish kids waiting, and actually 14 of them are from the Prince Albert area,” she said.

Toye added as a result of COVID-19, the organization was forced to cancel two major golf tournaments this year. In addition any travel wishes (Disneyland) have been put on hold.

“Make a Wish Saskatchewan is definitely feeling a huge impact from this pandemic across our province,” Toye said.

(submitted video/Make a Wish Saskatchewan)

Anyone wishing to participate in this year’s Lemonade for Wishes campaign has until Aug. 31, and can register online through the MAWS Facebook page or through this link.

Upon registering, participants will receive packages of lemonade mix, which they can then distribute as they see fit to those who donate. Tags for water bottles are also being provided, and participants have been encouraged to decorate their decks or front steps.

“It’s a fun event. The kids can participate and it’s a way for them to raise funds for wish kids,” Toye said.

Over the past four years, the Lemonade for Wishes campaign has raised $58,000. Roughly $5,500 has been raised this year already and Toye said they’ve set a goal of raising $12,000.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell