Keeping the Cottage in the Family
Create a lasting legacy with a smooth transfer of ownership.
A family cottage is a place of cherished memories, where children, and maybe even grandchildren, have grown, swum and played under the stars. As owners grow older, they may begin to think about handing it down to their loved ones. Early planning can help avoid conflict, reduce taxes and ensure the cottage remains in the family for the next generation – and possibly for generations to come.
Begin the dialogue
There’s a special kind of lifestyle that goes with owning a cottage. S’mores, swimming and lounging on the deck go hand in hand with bugs, mice and never-ending repairs. There are costs for maintenance and taxes, and family schedules to consider. You might assume that your children would love to take over the cottage one day, but it’s important to ensure they actually do. If you have more than one child, would they all want to share it? And if so, can they get along and handle the joint responsibility? These questions should all be raised early on, before any assets change hands.