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(submitted photo/Eileen Burns)
stormy night

Sunday storms destroy power infrastructure

Jun 15, 2020 | 4:00 PM

Around 22,000 customers were in the dark in the Prince Alberta area during Sunday’s severe storms and the extreme winds caused irreparable damage to some SaskPower infrastructure.

However, the public utility said many people could well have been without power for more than the three-and-half-hour outage, had it not been for a secondary option they can switch to.

“Thankfully, we do have a backup line in place for Prince Albert, so we managed to restore service fairly quickly to P.A. and the surrounding areas,” SaskPower spokesman Scott Mcgregor told paNOW. “There are some structures that are beyond repair and will have to be replaced and our crews are working hard to get those structures up as soon as possible.”

An image posted online by a resident in the Weldon area shows a power pole snapped clean through like a toothpick.

This image shows a power pole in a field near Weldon having been sheared off by the wind (submitted photo/Eileen Burns)

McGregor warned the public to be very careful around downed poles and lines.

“Lines could be down across roadways and farmers’ fields; we recommend you stay at least 10-metres distance and give us a call at 310-2220 and we’ll send a crew to make sure the area is safe,” he explained.

As of Monday afternoon power was still out in the Weldon area.

On Twitter:@princealbertnow

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