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Agriculture Roundup for Monday June 15, 2020

Jun 15, 2020 | 10:11 AM

The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA) will contribute up to $1 million to offset COVID-19 impacts on the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) premiums.

On May 14, the Saskatchewan government said it would put $5 million of provincial funds towards the premiums. The combined contributions will offset an additional eight per cent on the premium.

Cow-calf producers are entering the final week to purchase calf price insurance through the program.

Premium tables are published on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The final day to apply is June 18.

The debate over the impact of the carbon tax on grain drying is not over.

Farmers continue to lobby Ottawa to give grain dryers the same exemption of the carbon tax that applies to fuels used to run farm vehicles.

The federal government said its analysis of the impact the carbon tax is based on numbers provided by the farmers themselves.

But grain farmers remain adamant Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was wrong when it concluded farmers were, at most, paying $819 a year in carbon tax to dry their corn, wheat, barley and other grains.

Grain Farmers of Ontario chair Markus Haerleis said his carbon tax bill for drying corn from his farm was $8,500 last fall.

Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said the government is supporting efforts to improve the energy efficiency of grain dryers, including a new $2 million joint program with Alberta that covers up to half the cost of upgrading the machines.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF