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Signs at the McDonald's Cornerstone location. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)
Grad 2020

Grad signs spring up around city

Jun 8, 2020 | 4:00 PM

Graduation signage, like the blooms of spring, has started popping up around Prince Albert given the lack of a normal and formal public honouring this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

Both McDonald’s locations in P.A. have put signs out to recognize the class of 2020 and to congratulate each of their employees who are graduating this year.

Franchise co-owner Jan Malenfant said they felt it was important with COVID-19 forcing the cancellation of celebrations.

“These poor kids don’t really have anything else to congratulate them on their achievements,” she said.

At each of their locations, Malenfant put up one sign per graduate, which lists their name and school. In total they have four signs up at their store in Cornerstone and 11 up at their Second Avenue location. Among those being acknowledged is Malenfant’s daughter, who is graduating this year.

Since putting up the signs, she said she has been hearing good things from parents and a local principal who called to thank her for the putting them up.

“Lots of feedback,” she said.

Jeff Court, principal at Carlton Comprehensive Public High School , said people putting up signs at their businesses and homes is appreciated.

“It’s a small thing, but its one of those things that a small touch can really make their day, especially under the circumstances,” he said.

Court said this year they are planning on holding virtual celebrations in place of regularly events. He added the graduation committee which is in charge of organizing, has been meeting regularly to deal with the current challenges.

“I feel like we’re all kind of banding together and working together to make this … the best experience we possibly can,” he said.

Some people have put up signs at home to recognize graduates. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

The signage is not only a business initiative. Homes across the city are also displaying them as a way of highlighting this special time for students as they prepare for their futures.

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