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(File Photo/CKOM Staff)
Capital Spending

Local correctional centres to benefit from provincial capital spending

May 29, 2020 | 5:05 PM

The Government of Saskatchewan has committed just over $6 million to pay for upgrades at the province’s correctional centres.

Three facilities in Prince Albert will be benefitting from this spending. Both the Pine Grove and P.A. Correctional Centres will see work done to the razor wire. The men’s centre will also see an expansion of its cultural lodge program. Meanwhile the P.A. Youth Residence will see the parking lot expanded.

Noel Busse, executive director of communications for the Ministry of Corrections and Policing said the work will help the facilities carry out their mandate.

“The upgrades are part of the ministry’s commitment to providing generally safe and modern correction facilities for staff, offenders and the public,” he said.

The money for this work is coming from the provincial government’s stimulus program which made additional money available for capital projects. Busse explained when doing work on their facilities they like to be proactive and these projects were on their radar.

“We monitor things at the correctional facilities to make sure we’re replacing them before they become a problem,” he said.

The planned work will as well allow for more programming at the P.A. Correctional Centre with the expansion of the cultural lodge program.

“That would allow us to provide additional cultural programming for offenders,” Busse said.

Work on these projects will be taking place over the next two years, starting with the design portions.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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