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A contractor imprints a stamp onto wet concrete. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Connection with the past

Piece of history stamped into concrete outside John M. Cuelenaere Library

May 18, 2020 | 12:06 PM

The John M. Cuelenaere Library has completed another phase of major renovations, and incorporated a piece of Prince Albert history along the way.

On Friday a crew poured fresh concrete outside the library’s entrance. The existing walkway had been cracked, leading it to heave badly in the winter, allowing water to pool and ice to form.

As a final step, “Bruce Lobley Enterprises Ltd.” was stamped into the wet pavement.

As a contractor in P.A. in the 1950s and 60s, Lobley built houses and poured concrete all over the city,

His daughter Heidi Juorio told paNOW while there used to be many buildings that bore his insignia, she’s not sure how many remain today.

Bruce Lobley was a contractor in Prince Albert in the 1950s and 60s. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)

Friday was the first time his stamp had been used since 1969. Lobley died 12 years ago.

“It’s funny because he didn’t think he’d done anything interesting in his life,” she said. “He thought he was an average guy but really he did lots of interesting things and he would get a big kick out of this.”

Heidi’s partner, Alex Juorio, Director of Library Services said it made sense to include Lobley’s stamp because of his historical significance and his link to the library.

“The library is about preserving local history,” Juorio explained. “But also there is library connection with Bruce Lobley as well because his wife Jackie Lobley was library board chair for many years in the 1980s.”

Prince Albert City Council approved $100,000 in capital funding for repairs at the library during budget deliberations in November.

Next up, crews will tackle cracked masonry on the side of the building.

Meanwhile, work on flooring and walls inside the facility is ongoing.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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