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Infrastructure upgrade

New building planned for P.A. wildfire control centre

May 12, 2020 | 5:00 PM

The provincial government is tendering for the design of a new office building at the Nisbet Fire Control Centre.

Steve Roberts, Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency acting vice president of operations, told paNOW the 20 staff members who coordinate wildfire responses across the large Prince Albert region currently work out of trailers at the location.

“The trailers are past their lifespan. They’ve been here for well over a decade and a half so they were due for a regular building upgrade,” Roberts said.

The new office will bring duty officers, fire response staff and emergency services officers under the same roof.

“This building will control the Prince Albert Fire Region which covers all the way from Cypress Hills to Hudson Bay,” Roberts said. “It coordinates crews, aircraft, response to fires, response to floods and coordinates their efforts with the other two regions.”

The province hopes to break ground on the project this fall, and have the new building up and running for spring 2021.

“This is just part of the public safety agency’s long term plan to continue to upgrade our facilities so we can provide protection services across Saskatchewan,” Roberts said.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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