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Scott Moe announced the provincial government's plan to add more spending for infrastructure Wednesday in Regina. (File Photo/CKOM)
Economic Stimulus

P.A. MLAs respond to provincial infrastructure announcement

May 7, 2020 | 2:38 PM

Local representatives are making their voices heard on the provincial stimulus plan.

Prince Albert Carlton MLA Joe Hargrave believes the provincial government’s program, announced Wednesday in Regina will help in getting Saskatchewan through the economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 virus.

“We’ve got to get the province back moving and the economic stimulus package here announced of infrastructure spending, that’s going to get lots of people working,” he said.

The government’s plan will add an additional $2 billion in capital spending, which will be available for a range of groups, including municipalities, crown corporations and other government organizations through a number of different programs.

So far Hargrave said he has heard positive feedback from provincial municipal leaders about the program and what it could mean for them.

When it comes to how much money P.A. and area will see, Hargrave said he is still waiting to see details, but said P.A. should be getting a decent amount being the province’s third largest city.

“We expect to get some good returns on that,” he said.

Hargrave said spending like this is a good way to deal with challenging economic conditions. He explained with the funds going to capital projects the province will see a net benefit overall.

“We’re actually building more value, it’s not for operational spending,” he said.

P.A. Northcote MLA Nicole Rancourt said the government’s announcement was one she was pleased to hear.

“I am always happy to hear that the province is investing in infrastructure projects,” she said.

Rancourt said the money will be helpful for the province’s municipalities during this challenging time. The opposition MLA added the province could go do more to help municipalities on the infrastructure front by exempting projects from the provincial sales tax (PST).

Currently Rancourt is not sure how much money P.A. and the surrounding area will receive. She said her party will be keeping an eye on what projects get approval and how many contracts go to Saskatchewan companies.

“Priority is that these infrastructure projects be given to Saskatchewan companies to ensure that this additional spending is put directly towards having Saskatchewan workers prioritized for these projects,” she said.

As the province looks to spend additional money to get through the difficult economic times brought on by the COVID-19 virus, Rancourt said it makes it all the more important for the government to bring the province’s MLAs back to Regina.

“When we have this big spending announcement and we have a lot of money being spent within the province we need to have that legislative oversight,” she said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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