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The York Boat in Rotary Park was damaged after a driver hit it. (Ron Quaroni/paNOW Staff)
Rotary Park

Local officials working to fix damaged York Boat and sign

May 6, 2020 | 4:05 PM

The City of Prince Albert is working to deal with damage done to Rotary Park.

A driver collided with the park’s sign and the York Boat damaging both. City parks manager Tim Yeaman explained they are working with SGI to get the damage appraised before getting it fixed.

“Right now, we’re at a standstill in as to how we move forward,” he said.

The next step for the city according to Yeaman is for an SGI adjuster to look at the damage. He added the city is optimistic the driver’s insurance will cover all the costs.

The parks manager said once the adjuster does their work, repairs should move forward soon after.

“Once we get to that point it’ll go pretty quickly,” he said.

P.A. Police Public Relations and Media Coordinator Charlene Tebbutt wrote in an email to paNOW after an investigation police had charged a driver with two offences, including driving with undue care and attention.

(Ron Quaroni/paNOW Staff)

The York Boat was originally donated to the city by the local Rotary Club. The vessel was designed with plans acquired from the Hudson’s Bay Company. P.A.’s boat was built by two inmates at the Saskatchewan penitentiary, who used locally sourced wood and square nails to make the boat as historically authentic as possible.

York boats played a crucial role in the fur trade as they were used to transport goods along trade routes.

After it made a voyage to Cumberland House and a trip to Saskatoon the boat was donated to the city and put on display at Rotary Park.

In the case of the park sign, Yeaman said it is going to need to be replaced. When it comes to the boat, he is not sure how an insurance adjuster would go about assessing the damage given its history.

“That’s a little bit of anomaly as far as it being a structure that was gifted to the city by the Rotary Club,” he said.

Tire marks near the boat, (Ron Quaroni/paNOW Staff)

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