Council contends with COVID-19 cash crunch
Prince Albert is grappling with the financial cost of the pandemic, moving ahead with a variety of short and long-term borrowing options, and calling on the federal and provincial governments to provide much-needed cash injections to municipalities.
“We’re in dire straits, here and in cities all over the country,” Coun. Don Cody said during the latest city council meeting on April 27. “It is absolutely necessary that we get money from senior levels of government or else we are not going to make it and the tax-payers will have to pay.”
Mayor Greg Dionne echoed Cody’s concerns that cities had tightened their belts while continuing to provide services, but they wouldn’t be able to do it for much longer without help from the feds or the province.
“We’re going to continue to shout and yell as loud as we can at both levels of government until they step up to the plate like they did with every other business [that they] helped out, we’re no different,” Dionne said.