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(Ronald Quaroni/paNOW Staff)
Pen to Paper

P.A. residents aim to connect with scared and lonely seniors through ‘The Letters Project’

Apr 29, 2020 | 12:35 PM

At a time when seniors are at their most isolated, Prince Albert residents are stepping up to help connect them with the outside world.

‘The Letter’s Project’ is the brainchild of Prince Albert’s Cherise Arnesen.

While grocery shopping, Arnesen overheard a conversation about local seniors at Mont St. Joseph’s who are under restrictions and not allowed any visitors, leaving many of them lonely and scared.

That resonated with her and she decided to take action.

Arnesen asked community members to pen positive letters about their lives; from hobbies to trips they took last year.

“I put it on my [business], Result’s [Cosmetic and Wellness Therapies] Facebook page. It got a huge response. I had people initially emailing their letters or if they wanted to handwrite them direct mailing them to me,” Cherise Arnesen told paNOW.

Once she had the letters, she was able to team up with Board Member of Mont St. Joseph’s Martin Ring to help distribute them.

“I thought it was fantastic,” Martin Ring told paNOW. “It was a great way for members of the community to reach out and do something for our seniors and the people under our care at the group home. It was a great opportunity for people to do something special for them.”

While not in direct contact with members at the home, Ring noted, “staff were ‘delighted to have something special, something extra they could share with the residents. It has been very much positive.”

Moving forward Ring and Arnesen hope ‘The Letters Project,’ continues to gain momentum and spreads to other care homes in Prince Albert.

“Whether it’s Pine View Terrace, Herb Bassett, some of the homes in the downtown core… They’re lonely, and that reach out from the community is pretty special,” Ring said.

People hoping to write their own letters are asked to keep them short and easy to read. Write in large, clear writing or large type as well stick to light conversational topics such as spring, the weather, pets and hobbies.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni