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A large tree trunk blocks the access to Buckland Bridge. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Wash Out

Clean up underway in the R.M. of Buckland

Apr 27, 2020 | 2:03 PM

The Reeve for the Rural Municipality (RM) of Buckland says it’s too soon to assess the full extent of the damage, but told paNOW a number of roads and properties have been directly impacted by the sudden rise of the North Saskatchewan River over the weekend.

Don Fyrk toured the flooded areas on Monday. In addition to the Buckland Bridge washing out, a number of homes in the Shell River Heights area have visible damage too.

“We’re gonna see if we can get some assistance and help these guys out,” Fyrk said.

paNOW observed one property where the water was nearly halfway up the trailer, and a nearby truck was almost completely submerged. The woman who lives at the flooded property did not wish to speak to the media, and neighbours requested paNOW not take any pictures of the home.

Fyrk explained once the water has receded, crews can get a better understanding of what they are dealing with.

“We’re sending the hoe out just to clean up the debris around the bridge to make it flow a bit faster,” he said. “We’re gonna have to use the hoe to dig out some of the berm and let the water go.”

Just one example of a number of flooded properties in the R.M. of Buckland. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

paNOW also contacted the Reeve for Garden River. Ryan Scragg said beyond some minor water on the roads, there was no major flooding reported.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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