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Election Results

New Chief elected at Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation

Apr 1, 2020 | 10:15 AM

A man who, during his campaign, discussed the need for a housing program, and providing more educational opportunities for youth, has been elected Chief of Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation.

Edwin Ananas received a total of 378 votes during last Friday’s election, roughly 140 more than runner-up Rick Gamble. Outgoing Chief Roy Petit received 80 votes. The morning after the election, Ananas announced on Facebook he was eager to start work.

“I’m hitting the ground running and want to assure you my priority at this time is the pandemic we’re dealing with today,” he posted.

At the start of his campaign, Ananas discussed several issues he was hoping to address including a lack of affordable housing on the reserve, and the need to improve economic development.

“Right now it’s like we’re in a horse race and our horse is sitting a little to far off the pace,” he said in a Facebook post, adding he would like to look at alternative sources to address the shortfalls.

Ananas also discussed concerns related to education, and explained during his time as Councilor he noticed a sharp decline in students attending the schools, and a high turn over in teachers at the high school.

“I do believe that trades and more sporting activity’s should be offered to the students. Not all students want to be lawyers, doctors or teachers. Let’s give them more options for their future,” he said.

In addition to the position of Chief, six councillors were also elected: Delano Mike, Marie Neubuhr, Sheryl Okemaysim, Jeremy Seeseequasis, Kurt Seeseequasis, and Warren Seeseequasis.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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