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Cyrus Cincinnati Cuneo’s painting of Sir John Simpson on his tour of inspection from Hudson’s Bay to the Pacific Coast dates back to the early 1900’s and was commissioned by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Submitted photo/City of Prince Albert
Painting Restored

Rare Cyrus Cuneo painting restored

Mar 28, 2020 | 12:00 PM

A rare painting that’s over 100 years has been restored and is back on display in Prince Albert’s Council Chamber at City Hall.

Cyrus Cincinnati Cuneo’s painting of Sir John Simpson on his tour of inspection from Hudson’s Bay to the Pacific Coast dates back to the early 1900’s and was commissioned by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).

The painting was a gift from the CPR to the City of Prince Albert. That gift became even more unique and rare after many paintings like this one were destroyed in a fire to the CPR buildings in 1940.

“The Cuneo painting is a significant piece of art that has hung in the Council Chamber for decades. It’s a major public art asset now worth as much as $80,000,” said Judy MacLeod Campbell in a statement. MacLeod Campbell is the arts and culture coordinator for the city. “When the Public Art Working Group developed a multi-year public art plan, a condition report of the existing public art was completed and upon examining options for one of its first major projects, this stood out as a priority. It’s important to take care of the assets we have before acquiring new ones.”

This was the first conservation product taken on by the Prince Albert Public Art Working Group. They recommended the $33,000 price tag to improve the painting’s poor condition.

The painting was restored by Fraser/Spafford Ricci Art and Archival Conservation Inc. in South Surrey BC. The restoration including removing dust, dirt, varnish and the previous restoration. Abrasions were repaired and the canvas was given a supportive lining.

Here’s the painting before the restoration. Submitted photo/City of Prince Albert
And here’s how it is displayed now at City Hall. Submitted photo/City of Prince Albert

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