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Prairie Cannabis is seeing good business. (File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Essential services

Cannabis sales continue amid COVID-19

Mar 26, 2020 | 5:00 PM

The Government of Saskatchewan has given cannabis shops the green light to stay open.

Businesses selling cannabis are among a number which the province has declared as being essential amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.

Jim Southam, owner of Prairie Cannabis in Prince Albert said since the situation with the virus, his store has been seeing good business.

“I think it’s people kind of getting it in their mind that we’re staying indoors a little more often now, so people are purchasing a little extra,” he said.

Southam said he has not noticed a large number of new customers at his store but has been seeing regular consumers picking up a bit more supply.

Prairie Cannabis is taking steps to protect both their staff and customers. Southam explained they are doing this by taking the advice issued by health officials.

“We’re just being aware, being hygiene friendly and practicing our social distancing and just trying to keep everybody healthy,” he said.

Cannabis retailers being classified as essential services show there has been quite a shift in thinking in regard to the use of recreational cannabis according to Southam.

“It’s definitely a 180-degree switch in thinking,” he said.

Canaba Cannabis is reporting steady business. (File Photo/paNOW Staff)

Shaun Dunphy, co-owner and general manager of Canaba Cannabis in P.A. said business has been stable since COVID-19. In terms of clientele, Dunphy said they are seeing a mix of both regular and new customers which is the norm.

“It’s definitely not crazy busy or anything like that, kind of in the weeks leading up to this, I think there was maybe more stockpiling,” he said.

Dunphy said his store is taking a number of precautions to protect against COVID-19. This includes limiting the number of people allowed in the store to 10 at a time and regular cleaning of all surfaces. He added they are also practicing social distancing.

When it comes to cannabis stores being allowed to stay open, Dunphy said it reflects the changing attitudes. He added he feels for businesses that have been forced to stop operations as a result of COVID-19.

“We’re very fortunate to be able to stay open, effectively to keep our employees, to allow them to have jobs,” he said.

Neither of P.A.’s retailers foresee a situation where COVID-19 could affect their supplies.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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