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Some customers were stocking up Saturday. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Slower weekend for P.A. grocery stores

Mar 21, 2020 | 3:15 PM

Prince Albert’s grocery stores did not appear overly active Saturday despite it being the first weekend since a State of Emergency was announced earlier this week due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Early afternoon both Superstore and Walmart had a healthy amount of traffic but were not overly busy.

Earlier this week there were some empty shelves reported in P.A. at some locations as people stocked up on certain items amid concerns about COVID-19.

However, Saturday, most people coming out of the stores were not bringing out a large number of items. One man, who did not wish to give his name, drove down from Cumberland House with his family for groceries.

“This is kind of a normal thing, but we are getting a little bit more than usual,” he said.

He explained in his home community there is concern about the virus and that there have been suggestions to close the community to non-locals. The man added amid the pandemic, life can’t stop completely.

“People just can’t stop living, going places, we still have to do a little bit of stuff,” he said.

One customer got some help loading up from staff at Superstore. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

While the city’s grocery stores were seeing shoppers, some area businesses are completely quiet and highlighted a stark contrast given the new restrictions on places where crowds could gather. The parking lot of the Northern Lights Casino -which closed as of Tuesday – was almost completely empty. A Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) security vehicle was parked right in front of the main doors. There was a sign directing those making deliveries to use the building intercom.

The Northern Lights Casino parking lot was empty Saturday. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Meanwhile Carnival Bingo’s parking lot was completely empty. Besides the signs hung on the doors there were rolled up daily newspapers laying on the front walk.

Carnival Bingo’s parking lot was completely empty Saturday. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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