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NITHA issued a notice in the community of Southend on Saturday saying a presumptive case of COVID-19 has been identified. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)

Presumptive COVID-19 case confirmed in northern Sask

Mar 14, 2020 | 5:09 PM

It appears Saskatchewan’s north has its first case of COVID-19. It is in the community of Southend.

One of four new COVID-19 cases in province

A notice put out in the community by the Northern Inter Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) Saturday said a presumptive case of the virus had been identified. The affected person is in their 30s. They had been tested at the Southend clinic on March 11 after developing symptoms, had self-isolated, and were described as “well.”

The notice, signed by Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka , the medical health officer for NITHA, said exposed persons had been notified and were being monitored by health officials.

Later on Saturday the province confirmed the case, saying it was a resident and health care worker who had a recent history of travel to Nigeria and Germany, as well as Alberta.  The individual is recovering .

There were also three other presumptive cases in Regina, also connected with travel outside the province.

Dr. Ndubuka’s notice added the risk of acquiring COVID-19 in this province remained low and the community was urged to practice safe hygiene measures such as hand washing, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and practising social distancing – no handshakes or hugging.

Any questions regarding personal health can be directed to the 8-1-1 call-in Healthline.

Editor’s note: this story was amended to make clear this is a presumptive case and has not been confirmed as reported earlier.

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