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Constables Ron Meyers, left, and Derek Simonson have been walking the beat in parts of Prince Albert since the fall. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)
On the beat

PAPS foot patrol officers on the job no matter the conditions

Feb 9, 2020 | 1:45 PM

The Prince Albert Police Service’s community safety unit hasn’t slowed down since it started foot patrols this fall.

The unit, which was announced this past summer, is made up of two officers who patrol the downtown and surrounding areas. This includes when the temperatures dip quite low as was the case for some weeks in January.

To deal with the colder temperatures, officers Ron Meyers and Derek Simonson were issued more equipment to combat the deep freeze.

“They provided us with some pretty awesome ski pants, [for] when those – 30 [Celsius] days hit. That’s a no brainer, obviously I wear the long johns underneath, but those ski pants keep the legs warm,” Meyers said.

Along with the pants, the constables were issued special boots and muskrat fur hats.

“These muskrat fur hats and honestly, I just started wearing mine this week, and [compared] to a toque it’s a world of difference,” he said.

The new detail is quite different than patrol. Meyers explained regular patrol duties tend to see officers moving from inside a car to a home or business. He said on the foot patrol they’re on the street for long periods of time. Meyers added his experience so far has been a positive one.

“It’s pretty cool to be able to do the job, mingle with some of the downtown folks and get that personal body movement in,” he said.

Simonson said dealing with the colder temperatures can be challenging at times. Job-wise, he said the unit offers a different type of policing beyond the patrol car.

Simonson said being on foot allows officers the chance to connect with those dealing with homelessness. He added during the cold snap being on foot gave them the chance to speak with people in that situation and make sure they had a warm place to go for the night.

“Your eyes and ears to what’s going on downtown [are] sure opened up,” he said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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