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(file photo/paNOW Staff)
Snow Removal

Downtown to receive second snow lift of the season

Feb 8, 2020 | 12:00 PM

While it may be earlier than the city would like, Prince Albert’s downtown is getting its second snow lift of the season.

Beginning on Sunday evening and wrapping up early Monday morning, crews will be scraping, plowing and loading built up snow and ice.

“It’s very important that we get [this done]. The rutting in the gutters has really gotten bad due to the warm-freeze cycle and that’s the biggest reason we are coming in,” Roadways Manager Brent Kennedy told paNOW. “Our biggest challenge will be cutting the snow because it’s frozen now. So sometimes [operators] will have to make to two or three passes over the same spot to break the ice along the curb.”

Typically, Prince Albert has two snow cleanups in the downtown during the winter with the second coming later in the season. However, due to this year’s freeze-thaw cycle the necessity for an earlier cleanup was needed according to Kennedy.

As far as snow clearing goes, the downtown is relatively easy to clean.

“Downtown is pretty good because usually there’s not too many vehicles parked around. There’s no traffic, so there’s not a lot of challenges, as long as vehicles are moved,” Kennedy said.

Once loaded in trucks, snow is transported to the city’s snow dump, north of Prince Albert.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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