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(File photo/northeastNOW Staff).
SUMA 2020

Town of Nipawin responds to the motion defeat of researching a SUMA/SARM amalgamation

Feb 7, 2020 | 5:20 PM

The Town of Nipawin headed home a bit saddened, but not completely surprised, following a motion defeat at the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) convention.

During the SUMA convention from Feb. 2 to 5 in Regina, the town brought forward a motion that would empower SUMA to investigate the possibility of an amalgamation with the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM).

Nipawin Mayor Rennie Harper said the resolution grew more traction than it expected, and the town received feedback that supported and rejected looking into a SUMA/SARM merge.

“I’m a bit saddened,” Harper told northeastNOW. “There were other municipalities that felt it might be worth a look at our two associations amalgamating – maybe not even amalgamating, so much as thinking about what we might begin to do together. For example, we could have our conventions jointly, so our neighbours are sitting at the same table; our R.M.’s are sitting with us at the table and hearing the same messages.”

Harper said the reason the Town of Nipawin wanted to bring the motion of investigating potential amalgamation was because of messages they hear from the provincial government on regionalizing and working in partnerships. She cited mutual aid agreements, regional fire partner services, and the Twin Lakes District Planning Commission as examples of Nipawin’s partnerships.

“To work together, you have to know and hear the same information,” Harper said. “That’s why our council felt it was important to put forward a resolution that starts to suggest if there a way we can start hearing the same messages at the same time.”

Harper wouldn’t comment on whether the Town of Nipawin would bring the same motion to the SUMA convention’s table again in 2021. With the next municipal election taking place on Nov. 9, 2020, there’s a chance the current Nipawin council won’t attend the next convention.

Nipawin’s Chief Administrative Officer Barry Elliott said he and Harper were able to meet with provincial ministers during the SUMA convention, and the results of those conversations will be touched on publicly once Harper discusses with council first.

On Twitter: @SchulzePANow

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