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(Glenn Hicks/paNOW Staff)
In a Rut

Residential street clearing a priority to deal with rut issues

Feb 3, 2020 | 12:22 PM

Warm weather and a recent cool off have left streets with sections of snow, ice and ruts.

The city of Prince Albert’s roadways manager said crews are working hard to wrap up residential areas first.

“Right now, we’ve got three days of residential [clearing] left,” Brent Kennedy told paNOW. “We have a lot of concerns about the rutting that was caused by the warm weather. We’re hoping to get that done by Wednesday.”

Once crews finish with residential areas Kennedy said crews will focus on bus routes.

Slippery sections of roads are also a concern after weekend weather polished them.

Kennedy noted crews will now apply more sand than salt as temperatures have dropped and salt will be less effective.

Following the weekend’s high winds, specific areas of the city became snow laden.

“We’ll put our plow trucks out and open up areas that have been blown in. If the public is aware of any that have blown in that we haven’t gotten to, please call city hall and let us know,” Kennedy noted.

As road crews work on streets, Kennedy asked residents to drive according to road conditions.

“Just be patient; we are going as fast we can,” Kennedy said. “Most of our mains are clear right now. We’ll be concentrating on our bus routes as soon as we are done our residential, but our priority first is to finish residential.”

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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